Social Projects


SocialKamillekinder bearb. Aid projects –

helping people to help themselves

SEKEM – The 13 Village Project –

Micro-credit for farmers

Egypt, under the supervision of the Sekem Foundation …more income, less waste, healthier living conditions

SEKEM – Development work – “KAMILLE Kinder” (Camomile children) Egypt …

a social and educational project for the underprivileged and street children

SRI LANKA – “MIHIRI project – A Happy Home” ……a “Happy Home” for abused children …. with specially trained mentors – directed by Italian friends

“Pre-School” – education for poor children – more chances for their future life …. with the support of the „Gesellschaft für Bildungs- und Entwicklungsförderung“

Sri Lanka Geräte

Thank you for your help!



Banking Information:

School of Life Non-profit Association – Men-Nature-Culture
Bank Austria
KontoNr 10002335817 BLZ 12000
IBAN: AT631 2000 1000 2335 817